Khojpal (खोज/Khoj (Hindi) - Find) is an application for making announcements to your neighbourhood and a platform to locate such announcements for others to contact you. It is also a discovery platform for identifying local places of interest.
We developed vPoster™, a "Virtual Poster On the Wall" technology exclusively for Khojpal. Similar to real posters you see on the walls in public places, a vPoster is geographically constrained and hence is visible only in the region it is meant for. Such a vPoster can be made for making announcements of any nature: "need a likeminded person for a hobby activity", "find a partner to carpool", "need a sports buddy", "wants buyer to sell off old books" or even to find answers for "what is interesting nearby?" or "what is happening in my area?". The best part about Khojpal is that the content that is posted is created by people living in your locality and hence is relevant and useful to you.
Some of the technology developed for Khojpal is patent pending.